Events Page

With so many events going on at Peniel throughout the year we want to make sure that you are up to date with what is going on so that you and your family can participate in and enjoy everything that Peniel Church has to offer.

The following are currently regular programmed events at Peniel.  The calendar below shows special or new events for the month.

Every Sunday morning at 9AM is our Celebration service. Come in person at 12800 Orange River Blvd Ft Myers, FL 33905. Or watch live online at  or on .

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12 PM on  watch live our noon time broadcast of short, powerful, Holy Spirit filled, Christ centered uplifting teachings and messages.

Tuesdays and Thursdays join us in our prayer time as we lift the special petitions and requests of the people to God through prayer. Watch & participate by joining us live on or on your Zoom app, ID: 5451579629. Many have received their prayers answered and have been greatly blessed. Come and be part of the move of God and let Him also bless you.
